If you are leaving your home or other building unoccupied for an extended period of time during the winter, it can make sense to protect it from freeze damage by having the domestic water and heating system winterized. Nichols Plumbing can help you unfreeze pipes and prevent them from freezing in the first place.
Nichols Plumbing has been winterizing homes, camps, and commercial buildings for the past 30 years. When we leave the building, you can be assured there is no water left in the water lines, and every trap was treated with non-toxic heat transfer. The peace of mind that comes from knowing you will return to a damage-free home in the spring is worth the call to Nichols Plumbing’s winterizing specialists.
Winterization Services
The domestic water system is the water that flows to your faucets and fixtures. We winterize the domestic water by shutting off the supply. Then, we blow high-pressure air through the system to ensure that no water remains in the pipes.
Next, we put special, environmentally-friendly anti-freeze into the traps. This keeps them from freezing and minimizes evaporation. This lets the traps continue to perform their function of keeping sewer gasses from coming into your home.
Hot Water Heater Winterization
A hot water heating system can be winterized in one of two ways:
- The first option is to blow it out with high-pressure air, as described above. Using this option, the heating system is completely inoperable until it is refilled with water.
- The second option is to add environmentally-friendly anti-freeze to the heating system. Using this option, the heat can be left on low, but in a power outage, the heating system will not freeze up.
Scheduled Winterizing Services
Nichols has residential and commercial customers who have been using our winterizing service for the past 30 years because we do it right. Most of our customers give us a copy of their keys. Then, they call us 2 – 3 weeks before the appointment to let us know when they would like to have their water closed for the winter or opened for the summer. We will schedule the work and let the customer know when the job is complete.
Maine Service Area
Our service area is the greater Bangor and Brewer area. We have done winterizing in Bangor, Brewer, Hampden, Orono, Hermon, Holden, and more. If you are not in these towns, please contact us to see if you are in our service area.